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eternal peace nirvāa
常寂  detail>>
peace eternal eternal nirvāa
寂常  detail>>
the shore of peace nirvāa
寂岸  detail>>
Ⅰ形容词 1.(食品中油脂过多, 使人不想吃) greasy; oily  短语和例子   汤太腻了。the soup is too oily. 这炖...  detail>>
 adj.  1.永远的,永久的;不变的,不朽的。 2.〔口语〕不停的,没完没了的。  短语和例子   ete...  detail>>
eternal eternal
出疹  detail>>
oily flavour  detail>>
his nirvāa
涅盘妙  detail>>
nirvāa as the fruit of extinction
灭果  detail>>
nirvāa or the absolute
寂静门  detail>>
the knowledge and experience of nirvāa
解脱知见  detail>>
the nirvāa-method
寂灭法  detail>>
at peace
处于和平(或和睦)状态 处于和平状态 平静 在和平中  detail>>
at peace with
与…和睦相处  detail>>
for peace
为了和平 争取和平  detail>>
in peace
安静,宁静 安祥地 平静地,安宁地  detail>>
 n.  1.和平;太平;平静;宁静根源;寂静。 2.和好,和睦;〔常 P-〕媾和,讲和;媾和条约,和约 (=treaty of peace)。 3....  detail>>
to be at peace
平静了  detail>>